Saturday, December 09, 2006

Missing Persons

Someone needs to do a study on the average number of friends a human makes, keeps and loses over the course of his/her lifetime. Maybe someone has and I just need to do my research.

This morning when I woke up after another uncomfortable night of sleep due to minor surgery I had on Monday, I rolled over out of bed to examine myself and the damage in the bathroom mirror. Battling vertigo through the night and this morning, the walk felt more like a fight to stay on an imaginary horse on a merry-go-round.

Nevertheless, I pulled myself together. Finally able to stand erect and look myself in the eyes, I realized that a particular friend who appeared in my life with no warning had disappeared in much the same way. I felt rather cheated. You know how you have a fight with someone and after the fact, you think of all these things you could have said but didn't think to say in the heat of the moment? Well, that's basically how I felt except there was no fight. I only had leftover questions about why our relationship ended so abruptly and mysteriously.

Wisdom that I've gained since landing on this planet - It's not always about you.

So, this person may have had some personal challenges. *shrugs* I get that.

Questions for all of you mysterious Missing Persons:

Where the hell are you?
Are you still alive?
Did someone shoot you?
Did you shoot yourself?
Did you get busted for drugs?
Are you at Rikers?
Are you in drug rehab?
Did someone finally check you into an insane asylum?
Did you meet Mr./Ms. Right?
Did you drive to Vegas and get married?
Are you on the run?
Did you move to Canada?

BTW, how's your mom doing? How are the kids?

Did you know that I still care about you?
Did you know that I think about you all the time?
Did you know that I miss the conversation, the laughter, the calls, the e-mails?

Oops, I'm sorry. I slipped into "me" mode there for a second.

Take care of yourself where ever you are. Be happy.

All my love,
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