Thursday, September 28, 2006

There's This Guy

I should be mad with him. In fact, I went on and on to my best friend about how I wasn't going to answer my cell the next time he called. About how I wasn't going to e-mail him back right away, maybe not even check my e-mail for a week or two and let his messages (if there were any) sit in my in-box.

But....(long sigh), I didn't do any of that.

He wrote me. I replied the same day. He called. I didn't even check the caller ID before answering my cell. And when he said "Hello Beautiful," I forgot all of my senses and turned into a 12 yr. old lovesick girl. "Hiiiiiiiii," I answered with all the sweetness of a newborn baby's breath.

And I talked to him like I hadn't lost sleep for the past three weeks from worrying about where he was, what and how he was doing and who he was doing it with. All of my insecurities melted away with each passing second of our conversation. Not that he offered much in the way of answers for any of my speculative questions. Yet, I was pacified just by the sound of his voice.

So, yeah, there's this guy who has the ability to charm me out of my own sensible thinking. I have decided that I'm going to work on standing up to him.... just not today. Maybe not even tomorrow. Or next week. But one day. Definitely.
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