Friday, July 21, 2006

Something Sweet and Soothing

Last weekend I got really depressed. I had a misunderstanding with someone which resulted in me having several severe anxiety attacks. I thought my heart was going to explode and the tears that I normally hold back in such instances couldn't be stopped. There was no one I could call or even wanted to call.

So, I did what comes natural to most women in my situation. I went downstairs to the kitchen and fixed myself a bowl of cookies & cream. As I consumed each spoonful, my physical therapy began. I closed my eyes and let the oreos and cream mix and melt on my tongue before swallowing the smooth delicious ingenious concoction. And like the ice cream, all of my anxiety seemed to melt away.

Anyone who says you can't find solutions to your problems by eating... well, they're right. However, I do know drowning myself in that bowl of cookies and cream made me feel a helluva lot better.
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