Monday, November 07, 2005

Another Attempt at Change

After reading my post from yesterday, I realized that starting out with something I hate may not have been the best thing to do. So, today I'm going to begin on a more positive note. Although I'd enjoy venting about my encounter with the dentist's office today, I'll save that for later. On to that positive note...

I love being a part of such a big family. I can always count on someone to keep me from sleeping too much or too long on Sunday afternoons by calling just when I'm about to fall into a deep and restful sleep. I can always count on someone to call and give me the latest family gossip even though I'm eight hours away (by car) from some and at least sixteen hours away (by car) from most. I can always count on someone having a birthday, a wedding, an anniversary, a divorce, a baby, a fit or some other event that I have to participate in either in person or by phone. You know, it keeps my calendar full of activity.

Yes, I absolutely love being part of a big, beautiful, intrusive, but always loving, caring and giving family. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Hopefully, they wouldn't trade me either.
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Anonymous said...

I think this is an excellent idea! Good for you for taking action. I don't think your posting on procrastination was inappropriate at all. I think it was just the subject to motivate you to do something and you should be proud for taking action and not just talking about it. I look forward to more blogs!

Shelia Worthy