Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Misplaced People

Tonight as I watched an old movie on television, one of the characters repeated the familiar adage, "Home is where your heart is." Yeah, I've heard this many times before, but tonight for some reason, it made think: I'm in the wrong place. My heart isn't here. It's somewhere else. And until I'm where my heart is, I'll never be home. That's probably true of a lot of people who feel misplaced. I know several people who are not lost... just misplaced.

So the solution seems simple. Determine where your heart is and go home, right? To borrow a phrase from my friend, "Uh huh." Easier said than done.

What happens when your home keeps moving around the world like the earth revolving around the sun? Or is on lease to someone else? Or you just can't find it anywhere? I guess if any of these hold true, you just have to be patient and wait. I believe with everything I am, that the heart, one that truly belongs to you, does settle, exists in freedom and reveals itself in time. And when it does, home is interminable and the best place you can be.
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